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Accessibility Engineering

We care about your problems!

What is accessibility?

The world wide web consoritum (W3C) defined the web as a place for everyone. Persons with disabilities often have difficulties in acces or participation within the web. This circumstance rely on the fact that many web pages or content are not accessible for persons with disabilities. The term accessibility is described by the abillity of persons with disabilities to participate. The participation can be directly or indirectly. Direct access means the person with disability has no assisitive technology in use. Assistive technologies are products or services that help persons with disabilities to participate.


Description of the term "disability".

Disability is described by the difficulty for a person under a certain condition to take part to a specific situation or action.The variety of disabilities can be broad for example cognitive, development, physical or sensory etc.



Services offered


We offer you the ability to check your web site for compatibility with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).


Trainign is a very important part of accessibility engineering, because the developers of websites and apps should be aware of accessibility.


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